Dispute Resolution & Consulting
After a career spanning 40 years as an attorney, Henry Marquard left his General Counsel position to start Marquard Dispute Resolution and Consulting Services. The idea is simple: I’ve seen the litigation process as an advocate and as a party. While everyone has a right to their day in court, exercising that right can often be counter-productive. Litigation costs can be high. Relationships can be destroyed. Its not uncommon for the parties to a dispute to wind up a poorer position after litigation than they were at a start. Alternate dispute resolution, either through mediation or arbitration can provide a path to resolving disputes which avoid the business, financial and emotional costs of full-blown litigation. The parties come to a third party neutral to hear their positions and help the parties bridge their disputes and reach an agreement (mediation) or act as neutral decision maker and resolve the dispute for them (arbitration). Mediation and arbitration offer two different paths to resolution. I’m pleased to offer both services to parties seeking to resolve their disputes short of the courtroom. Normally I limit my practice area to the states of Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota though will consider cases beyond these states.
Henry Marquard believes in-house positions afford
lawyers a unique opportunity for personal growth,
through service to organization and to community.
His over 30 years of general counsel experience support that.